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GCell XX Virgin Cream Premium N - 15ml Nipple Brightening

Total Price: $85.00

GCell XX Virgin Cream Premium N - 15ml Nipple Brightening


Dosage form: Skin cream.


User manual:


- Clean the nipple area and then dry it, then take a small amount of cream just enough (depending on the size, take the appropriate amount of cream to apply thinly.


- Apply the cream evenly until the cream is completely absorbed, the thin amount of cream will absorb very quickly, creating a feeling of dryness on the skin surface, then it is completely possible to wear normal underwear without feeling wet. .


- If applied thickly, on the surface of the skin will create a feeling of being wet, it will cause a feeling of hot moisture, steam when wearing clothes, a long time will be sore, so absolutely do not apply thick, not effective.


Number of times to apply cream:


- Apply intensively 3 times a day (morning, afternoon, and evening before going to bed, each time from 4-5 hours apart), before applying, you must clean, wipe, and dry before applying the cream.


- Less intensive: 1-2 times / day (morning and evening before going to bed or only applying once and night before sleeping.


- Using the cream after 4-5 days, there will be a layer of skin pulled back, still using the cream normally, then there is a very thin layer of skin that peels off, so that the dead skin will peel off by itself without using your hands to remove it.


- 8-10 days of natural beauty (depending on the location, the effect is fast or slow). Function:


- Helps promote skin renewal, pinkish and remove pigmentation that causes darkening.


- Increased perfusion brings rosy to the nipples.


- Natural pink - no side effects.


- Use at home - simple - convenient - clear tone after 8-10 days of use.




8-10 days of natural beauty (depending on the location, the effect is fast or slow).


Storage: Always close the lid tightly after use. Should be kept in the refrigerator.